
I’m a Muslim sister currently planning on starting university. Part of my course requires doing placement in the hospital where they have a bare below the elbows policy. Am I allowed to expose this part of my satr or is this strictly not permissible?


The entire body for women is Awrah and is meant to be hidden, except face and palms according to some Ahnaaf. The wrtists and forearms are included in that. So if you job requires you to expose these to strangers, then it will not be permissible. Surah Ahzaab, verse 33, commands the women to stay at home when there is not specific need to go out. But if a need arises then they are requied to put veil on the face and cover the rest of the body too. (Ahzab: 59) 

The need to work cannot amount to a reason to expose the sitr, as there can always be alternative professions and sources of earning which comply with the Sharia. Hence exposing any part of the sit for the sake of the work is not permissible. 


واللہ تعالیٰ  ورسولہ الکریم ﷺ اعلم بالصواب

Written by:  Mufti Syed Siraj Ul Arifeen Shah

St. Ives (Cambridgeshire, UK)

05/12/2024 10:02  PM, 3 Jumada ul Aakhira, 1446 Hijri

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