IQ52- Maintaining ties of kinship
Question Assalamu Alaikum, I have a question and I need a fatwa. My mother has 2 sisters and one of them stole the inheritance of my...
Question Assalamu Alaikum, I have a question and I need a fatwa. My mother has 2 sisters and one of them stole the inheritance of my...
Question: Hello, I have an addiction that i have struggled with for 4 years and i have tried to get sober before but never repented truly...
What is the permissibility in praying in shoes or sandles Answer Praying in shoes, which are clean and have no element of filth on them, is...
Question I’m a Muslim sister currently planning on starting university. Part of my course requires doing placement in the hospital where they have a bare below...
Question I wanted to ask that since there is no difference between a man’s and a woman’s prayer, I didn’t know this earlier, so I used...
سوال اسلام میں منہ بولے رشتے کا کیا حکم ہے؟ جواب منہ بولے رشتوں کا اسلامی شریعت میں تصور نہیں۔ یعنی اگرچہ منہ بولا بیٹا یا...
Question Assalamualaykum. I need some advice regarding my father. My father is a muslim, we are all muslim. I sent my father for hajj years ago...
السلام علیکم میرا نام شعیب ہے مجھے یہ پتہ کرنا ہے کہ میرا ایک بھائی جو کہ اعلانیہ طور پر سنی سے شیعہ ہو چکا ہے...
Question: I have a question regarding the Shariah ruling on the practice of holding the Qur’an over the bride’s head during the Ruksati ceremony. Is this...
Question Is it permissible to sell stock photos and videos on online platforms like Shutterstock, iStock, et cetera? The photos and videos that I sell totally...
Questions It has been 1 year since I got married, and my parents behaviour has been like they are not allowing me to do my duties...
Question السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Is it permissible to perform tahiyyatul masjid salah in makruh times? Jazakallah Answer ؑEvery namaz, Fardh or Nafl, is not...
Listening to Music Question is it ok if i listen to a song but dont support the artist? Answer: Allah, the most exalted, mentioned in the...
Question Assalamu Alaikum My wife is not willing to do sexual activities when ever I need.she always make excuses or she always argue withe me on...
Question I live in a joint family system. I want to get out of here as many of my rights are not being fulfilled here plus...
Question Assalamualaikum. Please advise what do I do in this situation. I am a 28 year old mother of a 3 year old and a 1...
Question Is smoking cigarettes haram as it has no benefits and is addictive for many people? Answer Generally, smoking cigarettes has a minor dislike attached to...
Question I want to take pic of girl to post on my insta page bcz of my brand of tshirts. Is it allowed? Answer It is...
Questions: I angrily told my wife that I would divorce her or that I would let her go. Does saying this result in divorce? Answer: Threatening...
Question: I was 2 months old when my father died, after idat my mother remarried, but she gave my custody to her friend at the age...
Question What is the Ahle Sunnah Wal Jammah’s Stance on taking an oath or making a promise or even swearing upon something other than Allah, for...